Therefore Looking at the current policy environment and societal challenges, the NGOs and alliances, which remained, worked on various developmental programs and campaign in their own capacity either as a single entity or in joint collaboration with other similar organizations, decided to join hands together at one platform. It was therein decided that such an alliance would be formed and would be called Pakistan Development Alliance (PDA). Many of its members have been part of GCAP-Pakistan and Peoples’ Awareness & Rights Committees Networks (PARC-Networks).
This action would help PDA to emerge as a stronger platform of national NGOs to voice for better governance and accountability of commitments for sustainable development made under Agenda 2030. PDA will have more effective engagement with governments and private sector due to combined bargaining power of the members, and broader representation of Pakistan at regional and international forums. Apart from these positive spillovers, PDA is now planning for large-scale interventions backed by more intense mobilization, awareness, lobbying, advocacy and public policy engagements around sustainable development goals Agenda 2030. The PDA is responsible for fulfilling the development sector’s needs and opportunities and will particularly facilitate the global and regional alliances, campaigns, funding agencies INGOs, governments and private sector to achieve commitments made under MDGs/ SDGs.
Today Pakistan Development Alliance has been working closely with Parliamentarians, media, CSOs, private entities, academic institutions and large number of young volunteers to achieve its mission and objectives. PDA is member of various regional and global networks and alliances including Asia Development Alliance(ADA), Asia CSOs Partnership for Sustainable Development (APSD), Action for Sustainable Development (A4SD), Global Call to Action Poverty (GACP) and Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP-Network) to accelerate its ambitions at national, regional and global level.