Celebration of International Youth Day (August 2015)
More than 700 youth joined us to meet and share their inputs with different members of civil societies, corporate sector, media personnel, lawyers, politicians etc. We have gathered youth in different activities like public rallies, walks, demonstrations, sessions, and social media messages etc. to mobilize them on Action/2015 theme. Pakistan Development Alliance is working in coalition of 31 local organizations across Pakistan. Pakistan Development Alliance along with these organizations have putted efforts to mobilize around 2000 people of every age and sector to raise demand to Government for Finance for development. Pakistan Development Alliance had started its process to take different organizations on-board to spread message of ending poverty, inequalities, proper allocation of funds and climate justice.
Pakistan Development Alliance has uploaded a blog on Achievement of Millennium development goals poverty, development, and climate change. We uploaded invitations of activities, messages and activities photos on social media to reach more people in less time.
Pakistan Development Alliance invites media in every activity of Action/2015 for coverage and dissemination of message. Pakistan Development Alliance has also mentioned in MOU with other partners to invite media in their Action/2015 activities and to share press clippings along with report. Pakistan Development Alliance has also arranged dinner for media personnel’s to mobilize them on its theme and campaign purposefully by gathering them together on one table.