The General Body of the Pakistan Development Alliance-PDA earlier known as GCAP-Pakistan constituted the Interim Working Group (IWG) in its first meeting on February 20, 2014 for preparation of Constitution & Byelaws, Guidelines for Elections for PDA. The IWG was comprised of the following members
Mr. Mohammad Zia ur Rehman (AwazCDS-Pakistan) – Focal Point
Mr. Muhammad Ammad Khan (Khyber Pukhtunkhwa-KP) – member
Ms. Sadia Saeed (GCAP National Secretariat) – member
Mr. Babar Shah Khan (PIDS- Balochistan) – member
Mr. Khalid Usman (Khwendo Kor- KP) – member
Mr. Muhammad Yaqub- (Takhleeq Foundation- Sindh) – member
Mr. Sartaj Abbasi (RootsWork Sindh) – member
Mr. Abdulwadood (SEHER, Quetta Balochistan) -member
The IWG met four times since the inception of PDA (i.e. May 25, 2014, February 21, 2015, December 16, 2015 & January 23, 2016) to complete the above mention tasks. The members did their best efforts and I am highly grateful to all for their workmanship and invaluable inputs in finalizing the documents, as I personally believe that without their help and unequivocal support, time and energy, the above -mentioned documents would not have been prepared. We have undertaken every effort to make this document error-free. We assume full responsibility for the contents of this document.
Finally we also take this opportunity to thank GCAP/ AwazCDS-Pakistan for taking care of our logistics and providing us with all kind of support during our meetings. Towards the end I would like to thank IWG members for their continuous guidance in completion of our task in timely manner.
We also wish all the best for the future of Pakistan Development Alliance
Mohammad Zia ur Rehman
Focal Point –IWG
Pakistan Development Alliance